Global Warming Controversy: Is It Really Happening?


Global Warming ControversyDebate over the phenomenon of global warming has long been on the rise all over the world. The following global warming argumentative essay will attempt to clear out the concerns of the public and answer the question of whether global warming really threatens the humanity or whether people have no grounds to worry about the climate change. Like other essays on global warming, the following global warming essay will try to persuade the public that since the issue of climate change was especially worrisome in the 1990s and has fallen flat ever since, there is not much to be concerned of. The essay on global warming provided below will examine the issue from both perspective providing arguments in favor and against global warming as a phenomenon that is claimed by some people to be life threatening for the whole humanity. Like other existing global warming essays, the current paper will take a form of an argumentative essay on global warming as it discusses the phenomenon from both sides of the question.

There are people who believe that the humanity has science-proven reasons to be concerned about global warming. At the same time, there are those who disregard the existing theory regarding climate change. It is therefore important to understand the phenomenon of global warming including its impact on the humanity in order to overcome the challenges associated with it. The following global warming persuasive essay will thus discuss the potential and already existing threats of global warming. The arguments in favor and against global warming can be rather confusing and provoke much misunderstanding. The current persuasive essay on global warming will clarify the doubts and concerns of the public and provide a number of facts about this phenomenon.

It is reasonable to start the essay about global warming from giving a list of arguments proving the existence of global warming and its associated effects. Those scientists who claim that global warming is real tend to refer to the interpretation of on-going changes in the levels of atmospheric and oceanic gases. The actual rise of temperature is the issue that has been documented and the major evidence in favor of global warming is related to the effect of gases in the atmosphere on the environment. Here are several proofs of the existence of global warming:

  • Rise in the sea level. It is claimed that sea level continues to rise in a number of regions across the world. This can be partially explained by the melting of glaciers and ice, although it is rather attributed to the alterations in the gases contained in the oceans and seas. Previously, it was assumed that the sea levels have risen twice compared to the tendency in the previous century. During the last century, the sea levels globally rose more than 6.7 inches, which is quite a threatening discovery proving that the climate is really changing and global warming is a matter of serious concern.
  • Rise of the average temperature on the Earth. The rise of global temperature has been observed since the 1800s. The experts indicate that there was a steady increase of temperature globally in the 1970s and up to 2000s. This is another proof of the existence of global warming.
  • Increase of the ocean temperature. The increased number of industries and means of transport has led to the greenhouse gases being caved in the atmosphere. The level of heat in the atmosphere has risen and has affected the oceans. There exist a great many of temperature records that prove the steady increase of ocean temperature since the 1970s.
  • Melting glaciers. The glaciers on a few mountain chains, especially in Antarctica and Greenland, are shrinking in size due to the decrease of gases that help to keep temperature steady as well as the changes in the climate of these regions. Research conducted on this matter has shown that Greenland had lost nearly 30 cubic miles of ice since the start of the new millennium to the year 2006.
  • Ocean acidification. The level of acid in the ocean is also increasing and this is what makes the oceans across the world much more acidic. This can be explained by the emission of a greater amount of dangerous gases into the atmosphere and these gases further penetrate the oceans. This further leads to the increase in the deaths of marine species and the change in the chemical structure of water.

Despite the above arguments, some scientists claim that global warming is not real. They often provide the same arguments as listed above, but come to a different conclusion. Such researchers strictly adhere to a definition of global warming as the increase in the atmospheric temperature claiming that all other arguments are not valid. Let us discuss the arguments against global warming.

  • There have been no considerable and long-term changes in temperature since the end of the 1990s. Researchers who argue against global warming claim that this is a considerable factor that should be taken into account by the world community. During the previous 17 years, there were not observed any particular climatic changes, and this is what makes some scientists think that global warming does not really threaten the humanity.
  • There is not enough historical data on this matter. Advocates of this point of view indicate that over 30,000 scientists working in the sphere of environmental science have not yet reached an agreement regarding the existence of global warming. Therefore, it can be assumed that it does not really exist because there is no reliable data available.
  • The ice level in the Arctic increased by 50% since the year 2012. This shows that global warming does not really cause the melting of ice. There are people who predict that global warming and climate change will lead to the melting of Arctic ice, but this contradicts the available statistics.
  • The climate models that are being used are unreliable. The calculations made by scientists prove to be flawed and long-term predictions are also fruitless. Some people even claim that the increase of temperatures globally might be a natural climate change.

To conclude, it is hard to say which argumentation is more trustworthy, but the truth is that there are certain indicators proving the on-going climate change and associated global warming. One cannot say for sure whether the arguments in favor of global warming are true. Therefore, the debate over this phenomenon is likely to continue for years to come.

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