Patriotism Essay: Meaning And Problems


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Patriotic essays. General advice

You are reading this article, because You want to attain knowledge how to write essay about patriotism. At first, you should divide your future text into parts, in which You will include particular information. Give definition of the term "patriotism" in the first paragraph. Then, tell about patriotics' features, who they are, their values and their points of view. Further, describe situation according to patriotism in general. After that, identify a problem or problems, roots of troubles and give decisions how to solve them and, if it's possible, how to prevent its appearance in the future. Of course, make a conclusion at the end of essay. However, if you don't know how to do it all correctly, turn to our professional essay writers, which provide such services efficiently and immediately. But, if You decide to write it yourself, it would be quite reasonable solution to give it for checking to us afterwards. Because You may write good content, but You also can make mistakes in grammar. Don’t doubt in abilities of our writers, simply read about pros and cons of grammar check.


There is an example, which is provided for you to give understanding of the structure and the content of the essay. Read it attentively.

 Definitions and general view

Indeed, the beginning of essays on patriotism had to be started with definition of the term. To put it mildly, patriotism is world outlook, feeling, point of view according to which some people reckon, that there is strong relationship between them and their native country. Such people are fond of national culture, revere state language.

There is also more comprehensive definition: patriotism - is deep sense of love to homeland, its people, culture, language, home nature, historical roots; willingness to serve a country, develop and defense it. Besides, civil patriotism, in accordance with neo-humanistic concept, focuses on adequate inverse relationship (the principle of harmony) - respect from government to citizens and their rights and freedoms and ensuring their well-being. Civil patriotism includes not only high moral and law standards from government to citizen, but also from citizen to government.

The content of patriotism depends on particular historical period, its classes, policy of dominant groups and their aims.

Patriotism is considered not only as mental property of person, that indicates his degree of morality, but also as socio-political features, which occur in his actions as citizen, supporter or opponent of certain political forces, expressing defined social interests.

Patriotism means, that a person appreciates and knows the past of a country, participates actively in its present and makes contribute to its future. It is state of mind, sense of duty and responsibility to homeland and its population. Patriotism is another word for the "respect". This term is translated from Greek as a compatriot or fatherland. Patriotics know and revere national culture, traditions and native language.

There are systems of patriotic education in every country. Governments understand, that powerful country it is not country with only rockets and tanks, but it is a country, where people have strong spirit, desire to improve lives of compatriots and are ready for protection of a state. Also, such approach helps to remember a history. There even special normative-legal acts, that establishes order and rules, regulating policy in this sphere.


Patriotic non-profitable organizations are becoming increasingly popular all around the world. People learn various interesting facts about country and familiar people. Apart from this, sporting trainings are part of program, comprising fighting, shooting. This activity, really, is quite useful for patriotic education. You can find out more about such activity, for instance, on the site of non-profitable patriotic organization.

Representatives of this organization struggle against unfairness in attitude to citizens of USA. Also, it should be noticed, that website is active, and because of it, you can always find something new and interesting about affairs in America there.

Types of patriotism

However, it should be pointed out, that patriotism are divided into two groups. The first group includes real patriotics, which are ready to sacrifice their lives for the benefit of a country. If there is war, they will defend state's interests. By contrast, people, which simply like to communicate about their love for the homeland are part of second group. Such people will not go to war. As a result, it can be concluded, that there exist two types of patriotism: real patriotism and imaginary patriotism.

But, patriotism don't mean only willingness to war. For instance, person may understand, that nature is very significant aspect of life, that it is remarkable place for relaxation and pastime in general. Nature is necessary for biological life. A person, that realize it and take part in saving of good environmental conditions, is a real patriotic. As well, someone may participate as volunteer and care about homeless people and animals.

Problems of patriotism  

Auspicious influence of patriotism is indisputable. But, there are problems in this field. The first problem is use of the patriotism by unfair politicians, which deceive people by saying one thing and doing another. Such manipulations lead to dangerous and sad consequences. Usage of patriotism in political games is widespread.

The second problem is incorrect understanding of the term. A lot of people repute, that patriotism is something similar to fascism and racism. Really, many people, which consider themselves patriotism, adhere to abovementioned ideologies. Such point of view expressed in unwelcome behavior towards foreigners and opinion, that their nation is exceptionally perfect. This fact causes ethnic hostilities. True patriotism hasn't any affinity with fascism or racism.

Another point of view

Also, there is ideological trend regarding to which patriotism is reckoned as negative phenomenon. People, who follow it, assert, that patriotism is deception of nation, which doesn't give possibility to think outside the box. They consider, that adherence to patriotical behavior is indicator of lack of knowledge. Representatives of such approach may even like mother tongue, history and help other people, but they consider themselves independent from government. Frequently, people begin to hold anti-patriotic opinion because of unjust and unreasonable policy of governments. Besides, there are people, that distinguish state and homeland. State is related with government. Homeland it is the place, where people born. Such people like a homeland, but don't like a state. By the way, this stream becomes increasingly popular. You could find even interesting court decisions according to it.


To sum it up, it can be said, that there are different points of view regarding patriotism. There are various streams of it. Yes, love for country is good, but it must be real. And, if a person doesn't call himself as patriot, it will not indicate, that he doesn't like homeland and its population. It doesn't matter how a person call himself, it is a matter what he do.

This is the example of content and structure of patriotism essays. You can simply rewrite it or make your own essay on this basis. Notice, that if You carry out the task yourself, it would be reasonable to check it, using our website for such purpose too. Also, if you have friends, which have difficulties with writing, You might advise them this website to make their lives easier. As well, You can get more persuasive information according to our services and professional and share it with others.

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