Advertising Essay: How To Convince The Consumers


Advertising EssayAdvertising and its forms

Today advertising is the engine of the progress. Huge amount of people work on advertisement creation, and that is why its new forms appear almost every day. The use of modern technology allows to project and implement the most unbelievable ideas.

The advertising has penetrated the deepest aspects of our daily life. You can see advertisements in mass media, on the transport, at points of sale, on the Internet. The advertising attracts with its bright colours and unusual ideas.

One of the most expensive kinds of advertising is TV advertising. One of its benefits is large audience, it not only shows, but also speaks for itself. Also TV advertising has no territorial limits; it can be seen in any part of the world. This form of advertising covers a huge amount of the target audience in a pretty short period of time. And, finally, such advertising increases the status of your product or service. However, it has disadvantage as well: its cost is very high and not everyone can pay for it.

The outdoor advertising is on the second place. It fills all the free space from home to work with all kinds of signs, boards, posters and so on. This type of advertising provides information in a simple and accessible form, besides its obvious advantage is long-term influence. The posters can be placed on the central streets of your city, where many potential clients can see them. However, such advertising has its cons: the environment, frost, rain can damage the outward look of the products or services you offer, furthermore, such advertising will bring profit in just a few months, or it will bring nothing at all. You can use smaller version of the posters – postcards. Postcards print will allow you to remind the customers about your products and services.

According to the specialists, Internet advertising plays more and more significant role today. In all big cities the most Internet users are young people, who mostly are not against advertising and willingly show interest in various novelties. Internet advertising is relatively cheap and available comparing with TV and outdoor advertising. Internet advertising perfectly deals with its informative function, letting the customers know everything or almost everything about the product they are going to buy.

The emphasis in advertising: creative strategies and their types

Creating advertising, first of all you should to decide what to tell about the product or company to a potential buyer so that he or she gives it preference. It is necessary to select the most important characteristics of a product for the customer, the most convincing features. And it is not that easy to do as it may seem. So how can we find the most optimal, clear and simple decision?

Even about the simplest product you can say much to consumer: who is its producer, what features it has, how it can be used, how much safe it is, what consumer’s problems it can solve, what its internal and external characteristics are, what package it has, what guarantees producer gives, what mood it can set and so on.

If you try to present all the benefits of a product in one advertisement, it definitely will be too wordy, it will contain too many pictures and as a consequence it will not be effective. So what should be emphasized?

To answer these questions, creating advertising, advertisers use two groups and creative strategies.

Rationalistic strategies belong to the first group. In such a kind of advertising material properties of the goods are shown, the specific facts are given. Rationalistic strategies are used first of all in the cases when the product with its characteristics differs from the competitors' products, when its real advantages are convincing and the arguments for are strong. Such strategies sometimes used in advertising of complex consumer goods, the purchase of which requires thinking (for example, household appliances).

Emotional (projection) strategies belong to the second group. Such advertising is based not on the material, but psychological features of a product. This type of strategies is usually used when it is difficult to present obvious advantages of the product, when the difference between the competitors’ products is very slight or consumers do not see it at all. In this case the customer chooses a product guided not so much by its real, but imaginary properties. It often happens when you buy ordinary goods, such as cigarettes, soap, shampoo and so on. These strategies are used when emotional background is important for the consumer. People do not usually think for a long time when they buy such products, they purchase them spontaneously.

Starting work on the advertisement, first of all the type of creative advertising strategy is chosen. Choosing the strategy, it is important to take into consideration such a factor as buying motive of the potential customers. The can be rationalistic as well as emotional in the context of to one and the same object. The strategies of the first and second group can be applied for one and the same product.

There are several types of strategies in each of these two groups that differ depending on the nature of the main statement about the product. For further information look for essays on advertising, in particular advertising strategies.

Advertising as an art object

The advertising plays a great role in modern society. Today almost every company has its own PR-department that creates certain company image in the society. The actions of the PR-specialists help different organizations to compete peacefully with others, furthermore, with the help of advertising the company becomes known among the customers.

Saying the word “advertising” most people roll their eyes. It really can be seen anywhere. First thing that come to my mind is those obsessive “advertising breaks” that distract us from TV series or broadcasts watching. Or obsessive songs from those advertisements that usually cause laugh. After all, this is one of the ways of raising the effectiveness of advertising. It is believed that humor makes advertising more attractive. It perfectly contributes to memorization, and a customer will never forget something that has made him laugh.

However, no one sees the advertising as art. Initially, advertising was unusual for people. For the first time it appeared in newspapers. It is logically, because mass media is the most accessible source of information. Its development began with the selection of advertising slogans (for example, the slogan of the “Kodak” cameras: “You press the button – we do the rest”, or “Nikon” slogan: “I am a traveler – I am Nikon” and so on).

By the way, there is an opinion that advertising works even when people do not believe it or it is irritating (and the TV advertising usually irritates a lot).

Advertising makes extensive use of the images of world art as an eye-catcher. Agree, it is pleasant to memorize something that looks nice. But it usually refers to print advertising.

Now let’s say a few words about soundtracks. The music also plays a huge role in advertising. The melody sets the mood, attracts the attention of the audience, that is why people memorize it. They often murmur the song they have heard on TV, because it is always easy to memorize something silly. Remember, how often you catch yourself thinking that all day that ridiculous melody spins in your head. This is enough to consider advertising an art object. After all, advertising is namely impact on people, as it is proved. A well-chosen music, story, pictures make people pay attention to the product.

It is high time to remind you about so called masterpieces of advertising: “Coca – Cola” Christmas advertising, series of “Nikon” camera videos, 9 cat lives in Toyota advertising.

By the way, speaking about Coca – Cola, it started to print the names on the bottles, and here we should thank advertising, and it does not stop (more new names!).

All this is made to pay attention to advertising as an art object. Although, it is enough it the professional sphere. Here we should mention Fakefestival or the Night of the Ad Eaters. Of course, we do not talk about the “Tide” advertising or something like that. The advertising is got what it deserves – it gets much attention and critique, a realistic assessment from the perspective of art.

So, now having read this advertisement essay, you know more about advertising and its essence. If you look for more essays on advertisements, visit our website then. Our team of writers can provide you with an essay on any topic, all you need is to contact us and make an order.