To Kill And To Become a King. Essay on Hamlet


Essay on HamletDozens of Hamlet essays tell us about murder of the king. From the early ages love and the lust for power were the main reasons why people killed one another.

You are going to read the story of Hamlet. Our best custom writing service can write different kinds of writing works. If you had some problems with your home tasks, you should choose our professional team. On our website you can easily found all the information about services, prices and even about our writers.

At first I want to talk a little about William Shakespeare, who is the author of “Hamlet”. He is a legendary writer and probably everyone knows about whom we are going to talk now. Reading this story, you can easily notice the theme of revenge in Hamlet essay.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a talented English playwright. He was born a lot of centuries ago, but his sonnets and plays are ageless. He was a very handsome young man and he married at 18 years. William had three children. He made a great career at London – he became a professional actor and a well-known playwright. The main theme of all his works is love, most of all - unrequited love. His works are easy to understanding, they have a deep context. William wrote about those things, which were popular at that time.

All information about Shakespeare’s life is based on the different official documents. He lived centuries ago, and there is no exact information about his days. We can’t even be sure that all these plays and sonnets are his own works. But doubts always were, are and will to be. We have more than one hundred sonnets, thirty eight plays and several poems. And all of them are brilliant and worth our attention.

William Shakespeare died when he was about 52 years old. He came back to his city of birth, and just visited the London and the theatre, where he had worked. At that time began plague outbreak and a lot of theatres were closed. Maybe it was the reason why talented playwright left his job. Historians said that William was seriously ill.

Now we are going to talk about one of Shakespeare’s tragedies called “Hamlet”.

History Of Creation

At that time most of the plays were often created on the basis of the existing ones.  The tragedy of “Hamlet” was not an exception.  The plot described the events from the ancient times. In the eighth century in Denmark lived prince Hamlet. We can find an ancient legend about Hamlet.

One of the William’s contemporaries in 1589 wrote the story, based on this legend. Some time later to Shakespeare came an idea to rewrite this play. It was a successful idea, because his variant of this tragedy became well-known. His contemporaries reacted to the tragedy as it was a bloody revenge drama, but Shakespeare saw in Hamlet something new. He saw a new type of the Renaissance character. “Hamlet” was not the only Shakespeare tragedy, about another his popular work you can read at essay on Othello.

To Be Or Not To Be

Now we are going to tell about the plot of the tragedy. Hamlet’s father was killed and his mother married his uncle Claudius. It was strange for young Hamlet. The young prince thought that maybe his uncle made the murder, because of the throne. Hamlet was shocked. He could not believe that his mother Gertrude had betrayed her husband.

Everybody respected a new king and only Hamlet behaved like a mad. His mother worried about the son, but Hamlet talked her such awful things about her life and actions, that Gertrude was really afraid. In his kingdom the prince had a true friend, whom we could tell all his thoughts and experiences.

Hamlet talked with father’s cast. And the cast only confirmed his guesses. But dead king asked not to touch the queen, and Hamlet promised. Later with help of one acting troupe, the prince learned the truth. He was sure that Claudius killed his father. And the time for revenge came.

Hamlet came to his mother to talk about everything, but the queen was sure in her son madness. Hamlet became very angry and threatened the queen. All their conversation heard the counselor Polonius. He hid behind the curtain and cried for the help. But Hamlet immediately killed him, later when the prince saw that it was Polonius, he regretted. The king sent Hamlet from the country. But the fate had its own plans. Soon the prince was at the palace again. During the Ophelia’s funeral happened the real tragedy. The queen drank the poisoned wine, she died and said to Hamlet that she was poisoned. Hamlet was wounded by a poisoned sword, he also wounded a king by this sword. And best Hamlet’s friend Horatio wanted to drink the poisoned wine, but the prince asked him to stay alive and to tell everybody what had happened. The tragedy came to the end.

The Main Motives And Problems

The tragedy has a deep context and is full of different motives and problems. Sometimes it is really difficult to find them in the text. Let us talk about the most important of them.

There is a motive of madness. Hamlet behaved like a mad just to know the truth about his father death and to hide his own intentions. 

The next motive is - delay action. Hamlet could kill his uncle at once, but he did not do like that. The prince was a wise young man and he wanted be sure that his suspicions were true. We can also find the death motive in the tragedy. Without the death it was not the true tragedy. The Hamlet’s father died at first, and later Hamlet killed the other people. But the main motive was motive of revenge. The whole play was based on this motive. During the whole story Hamlet hesitated how to revenge for his father death and for his mother’s betrayal.

In this tragedy Shakespeare violates such problems as:

  • life and death;
  • good and evil;
  • struggle and inactivity;
  • love and betrayal;
  • the power and tyranny;
  • duty and honor.

This tragic story is really worth of reading. It tells us about such eternal things as love, hate, revenge, forgiveness, betrayal, friendship.