World’s Cruelty Shown In Antigone Essay


World’s Cruelty Shown In Antigone EssayWhat do we know about those ancient times when mythology was created? Was everything really so as we can read in the books? This question is very exciting for modern society. In the mythology people are described as strong creatures who could struggle for their life, their happiness. Heroes of the mythology are depicted as fearless people who were endowed with supernatural power. At the same time they honored the Gods and the Lows of Gods. Our essay writing service will show you how to write meaningful essay on Antigone, the exciting story about the daughter of Oedipus, king of Thebes, who was described in myths.

                Beginning of the History

Let’s study history a little and learn the background of the tragedy described in Antigone tragic hero essay. Oedipus was the king of Thebes, son of Laius and Jocasta. Once it was predicted to Laius by oracle that his own son will kill him if he will get married with Jocasta. But he didn’t pay attention to this soothsaying and only later when his wife Jocasta born son he ordered to damage the legs of newborn Oedipus and throw the baby at the foot of the mountain Cithaeron. But the child survived. He was brought up in Corinth by king Polybus as his own child. But when he became young man he went to Thebes and on his way there he met the chariot of Laius, there was the quarrel between them and Oedipus killed his father though he even didn’t know who Laius was. When he came to Thebes, he saved this town of Sphinx and people of that legendary settlement chosen him as their King. Later he married Laius’s widow – Jocasta who was his own mother. They had four children: sons - Eteocles and Polynices and daughters - Antigone and Ismenio. After the terrible mystery of murder of Thebes’ king Laius was revealed Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus blinded himself. Here starts the storyline of Antigone essay.

                Compassionate Daughter

 Antigone was the elder daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. Antigone essays
show us the terrible fate of this young woman. Her name meant "worthy of one's parents" or "in place of one's parents". I think that the meaning of her name had great influence on her fate, and I think that you will agree with me after reading her life story summarized in this essay created by professional essay writers. After the unforced expelling of the blind Oedipus from Thebes his daughter went with him. She stayed with her father till his death in the town not far from Athens. Later she came back to Thebes, to her native town. And what was waiting for her at her native land? Her brothers, who got an authority in the town after their father’s death, could not divide reign and became enemies. Polynices attacked Thebes to capture power. He fought with his brother Eteocles and both them were killed. The tragedy which was happened later after these events was described by Sophocles in his tragedy.

                Well-known tragedy written by Sophocles

The tragedy, which often becomes an Antigone theme essay, was written in or before 441 BC. Those were times when people believed in Laws of God. They honored not only public laws of living in society but God’s laws too. Unwritten Law - eternal and is given by nature, it holds every human society: it orders to honor the Gods, love the family, protect feeble. This was the main idea discovered in Sophocles tragedy “Antigone”. There are ten dramatis personages in the tragedy. They are:

  • Antigone - devoted daughter of her father, and loving sister to her brothers, both of them despite their quarrels ant their opposition. She also was dedicated to Gods and believed that Gods’ Laws more important than civil laws.
  • Ismene, Antigone’s sister who loved her brothers too but was law-abiding person and was afraid of helping her sister in organizing equal burial for both of theirs brothers.
  • Creon – firstly he was a mentor for Eteocles and Polynices but after their death he got an authority in Thebes.
  • Haemon – Creon’s son who loved Antigone and wanted to convince his father to forgive his beloved and save her life.
  • Eurydice – Creon’s wife and mother of Haemon.
  • Tiresias – favorite of the Gods, the blind soothsayer.
  • The Chorus – it comments actions in the play.

The plot of the tragedy develops around unfair funerals of brothers - Eteocles and Polynices their sister’s reaction on such inequity and showing us the story about opposition between authority of Gods and society’s laws.

Essays on Antigone usually contain summary of ancient tragedy, let’s read it.

After tragic death of two brothers new king of Thebes ordered to make honorific funerals for Eteocles who protected his native land; and the death body of another brother- Polynices he told to give to dogs and birds for rending without any compassion. Antigone wanted good and equal funerals for both brothers. She wanted both young men get repose of souls; it could be right decision in accordance with lows of Gods. But Creon didn’t mentioned God’s laws; he wanted show the people what will happen to anyone who will betray native land. Then Antigone, after conversation with her sister, against Creon’s order violates the royal decree. She went to the dead body of Polynices and covered it with ground, trying to make a grave. Creon understood who did it and young woman was sentenced to death penalty. He wanted to wall her up although she was his niece and beloved of his son Haemon. Haemon begs father don’t kill Antigone, but King couldn’t break the law of society. Chorus sings that Gods’ Laws must be more important than men’s. King didn’t listen to them. Antigone was killed and her beloved Haemon died with her. Then Creon’s wife committed suicide, she didn’t want to live without her son. God’s sent diseases on Thebes. Everyone suffered of cruel decision of the king.

Those who writes Antigone analysis essay make the same conclusions as ancient people did. Unwritten, God’s Law more important than Peoples’ law, which can be changed every moment. “Wisdom - the highest good, pride - the worst sin” - is the main idea of the human being.