Custom Written Essay On Memory: 11 Unusual Facts


Custom Written Essay On MemoryNo artificial intelligence or neural network can compete with the human brain as equals. Even robot Sophia would agree with this statement. The capacity of our mind is endless, mainly due to memory. This ability helps us to accumulate experience and knowledge, orient in the past and the present times, handle the information. This concept is worth studying, as it is still full of mysteries. The more secrets we know about this phenomenon, the more chances for development we have. It’s not only about personal growth but about global progress too. Our knowledgeable authors, providing writing services for students, devote a post to this notion. If you need additional information on this theme, contact our support agents.

Professional custom writing services reveal unusual facts about memory

     1. A humane gets memory when he/she is in the womb in the fifth month of pregnancy. The embryo learns to memorize and recognize sounds, positively reacts to the voice of the mother and familiar music. The peak of memory development comes at the age of 19-25 years. Now you know that this time is the best one for learning. Unfortunately, this function starts fading when we are fifty years old.

     2. Hyperthymesia is a significant anomaly. It is the ability of the brain to memorize all events in a person’s life. At first glance, this feature seems to be super fantastic. Yet, imagine that you remember even the tiniest details of your biography. Hmmm, there is definitely something you don’t even want to think about. Nevertheless, Jill Price has no choice. She was the first one, who had such a diagnosis. The thing is that our brain has a function of forgetting information. It is a natural process that helps to preserve a proper mental state. In her case, it is broken.

     3. Good news for those who want to delete negative memories. The scientists invented a pill that can erase all of them. Sounds like a piece of a fantastic film about psychological weapons. In fact, scientists decided to create it for depressed patients.

     4. Sharing experience will be fast and convenient soon. This process will look like downloading data into the brain with the help of a flash drive. The scientists found a way to transfer memory from one person to another by extracting an RNA molecule. So far, only mollusks are lucky to experience this procedure. People won’t have an opportunity to try this perfect way of getting information in the coming year. Thus, pay enough attention to your study.

Consequences of memory loss

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     5. Dominic O'Brien is an outstanding hero of the Guinness book.  He set a world record memorizing 54 decks of cards, which were randomly stacked. By the way, he glanced at them only once. A curious fact: this person could not finish school because of his problems with concentration.

     6. A human mind is compatible with the World Wide Web. Experts have calculated that one neuron can use 26 different ways of data coding.  It’s unbelievable, yet our brain keeps one petabyte of information. It is an approximate amount of all the data on the Internet.

     7. The first things people recall after amnesia are tough words of their native language. The thing is that such phrases help us to express a wide range of emotions concisely.

     8. Memory quality depends directly on the person’s profession. Teachers, scientists, and actors have to remember a large number of texts. In addition, they continuously repeat them and learn new facts.

     9. “Deja vu” is indeed a natural feeling. We suspect that some situations have already happened to us. The thing is that we have a genetic memory. Thus, certain events could actually take place in our past life or in the destiny of our ancestors.

     10. “Google effect” is the result of digital addiction. People stopped training their memory when they got access to online information. What is the sense to remember everything if you can google it? In doing so, we lost an opportunity to train the brain.  

     11. Doorways erase a memory. Scientists from the University of Notre Dame did an interesting experiment. They asked students to memorize data and then go in different directions. Participants, who didn’t have to go out of the room, could recall practically all the information. Those, who passed through the doors, forgot some facts. Thus, professors have come to a curious conclusion: doorways wipe the memory in a way. It happens that you forget why you have entered a new room. Now you know the explanation of this phenomenon.

Tips on how to improve memory

If you need other exciting facts, go to our blog:

One of the best online essay writer websites from the USA share suggestions on what will happen if one loses memory

It’s sad to realize, yet, everyone can lose a memory. However, the consequences of this event can be somber:

  • loss of identity;
  • forgetting common facts and knowledge necessary for a routine life;
  • mental issues.

Professionals of our agency, providing custom written college papers, share tips on how to improve memory

            As you see it, memory is essential for everyone. It doesn’t matter, what profession or social status you have, still you need this function for a full life. People often look for a magic way to improve this feature. The truth is that one should train it regularly. Not everyone is lucky to have superficial abilities to memorize information fast and qualitatively. Therefore, our highly qualified academic editor offers his tips on memory improvement.

     1. Turn on the imagination. People, who remember a large amount of information, always have vivid creative abilities. For instance, they can imagine a number in the form of plants, animals, or inanimate objects. A figure “two” looks like a swan and “eight” – like an infinity symbol. Associations often help out if we need to memorize even boring information.

2. Don’t ignore handicraft. This occupation is not for housewives or grandmothers only. Needlepoint, cross-stitch, macramé, felting…These hobbies don’t just entertain us but activate the memory and the brain work, in general.

Our copywriters have already investigated the positive effect of a healthy lifestyle on memory and prepared a paper for you

3. Move. An active lifestyle is closely connected with mental processes too. Dancing, hiking, sports optimize our physical condition. Movements significantly improve blood circulation, including brain liquid. They also activate mental processes that ensure data perception, reproduction, and processing.

4. Stimulate memory with the help of odors. It’s an unexpected piece of advice from our professionals. However, it works - we experienced it firsthand. Now we can safely say, that lemon, mint, and rosemary scents make us remember more information. It’s a good reason to buy some aromatherapy oils. 

5. Focus on the memorization. If you want to remember something, concentrate your efforts on this process itself. Ponder over the information, associate it with your life, experience, and knowledge. The more feelings and thoughts you get during this process, the more data you memorize.

6. Use your memory more often. If you have forgotten the meaning of a word, a figure from a report, the name of a singer, a friend's flat number give your brain at least five minutes to recall them. There is no need to use a dictionary, the Internet or a smartphone immediately. In doing so, you make your memory relax too much.

7. Train your skills. You train your muscles in the gym to kip fit. What about your brain and memory? For instance, try to read fiction, and then write the names of the characters and the plot. View your notes from time to time and refresh memories. Developed erudition will be a pleasant bonus to these exercises.

     8. Forget about cramming. This process will be profitable only for short-term memory. Don’t let this mindless way of learning steal your time and efforts. If you want to have long-term results, avoid this practice.

9. Associate. Is it difficult for you to memorize the person’s name? Try to find associations with famous people. For instance, your new friend’s name is Jim. Let’s assume, he looks like a famous actor. You can invent the following logic loop: “Jim, like Jim Carrey, also dark-haired, but not so funny.”

10. Repeat. This tip is not about constant repeating. The point is to use the information you need to remember. Review this data and analyze it from time to time.

11. Eat proper food. Fuel the brain with healthy products: fish, eggs, cereals, vegetable oil, etc. A piece of chocolate helps to recover memory too.

12. Learn something new every day. It could be a short poem, a joke, a quote, etc. Cite them on every occasion. A foreign language is a good variant too. In fact, lifelong learning is favorable for memory.

Online essay US writing companies offer a test on how good is your memory

Check if your memory is good enough – pass a short test from our expert specialists. 

  • It happens that you don’t remember what you wanted to talk about with a person, you’ve just met.
  • You don’t recall any telephone numbers.
  • You often forget about your friends’ birthdays and other important dates.
  • You can’t go shopping without a list.
  • It’s difficult for you to recollect the previous day in details.
  • A new geographical route is challenging for you.

Do you have positive answers to all of these questions? Think about memory training to fix these issues.

Our college paper writers dispel 2 myths on memory

Some common suggestions about memory are not correct. For, instance here are two most popular misconceptions.

  1. We remember facts. Actually, a person doesn’t remember events that happened to him or her. Instead, subjective impressions stick in mind. Our brain prefers to recall our emotional state but not the objective reality. Thus, even a trifle can give a negative connotation to our flashbacks. You can have a lucky day, yet if the final episode spoils your mood, you will think only about it. Such facts about memory motivate us to change our approach to life.
  2. One needs to take pictures to memorize events. The more photos you make, the fewer events you remember. This fact is confirmed by the following experiment. There were three groups of volunteers. Their aim was to memorize particular images on cards. In order to implement this task, the first group took photos of these pictures with the help of smartphones. The second group only examined images without any gadgets. Others took photos and deleted them after a certain time. Eventually, the second group could recall almost all the pictures. That wasn’t the case for all the rest. There is something to think about for guys posting too much on social media. In doing so, they often choose photo reports instead of living itself.

Consultants of our college research paper services explain the importance of the memory

Have you ever thought about why we need memory? It’s a vital function for a self-contained personality. All facts and emotions, we remember, form our image. We take wise lessons from life and remember them, thus, getting more experienced. We obtain and store knowledge due to this feature. The survival instinct is based on memory too. Practically all routine activities have been made possible by the brain’s ability to memorize information. For instance, when one writes a post on social media, he/she needs to recall vocabulary and grammar skills.

Memory is often called a personal diary, which we always keep with us. A team of professional writers from fully agrees with this statement. We want you to develop this feature, as it is essential for a fulfilling life. Make friends with memory, and it will not fail.