20 Secrets Of Students You Probably Don't Know


Tips to pass exams successfully It is a very surprising fact that among the students who pass exams successfully there are those who almost are not ready at all. So how does it happen? Is it just a good luck or there is something more than that? Let’s discuss psychological methods of successful communication between students and professors. Rule 1. Cloth choice Try to avoid bright colours, glitter and “creativity” in your appearance. The best and most appropriate colours ...Continue reading

10 Common Mental Problems of Students


The goal of the current paper is to clarify what mental problems are most common among college and university students and what measures can be taken to help students overcome these problems. If left untreated, the mentioned disorders can have a number of negative effects on students’ welfare and academic performance. Therefore, it is important to take actions to combat the problem. According to the existing research, one out of four students suffers from the symptoms of a mental disorder, ...Continue reading

Main Reason Why Kids Can’t Sit Still During the Lesson


All kids seem to be on the move all the time and can’t sit still in the classroom or while doing homework. This is a rather common and widespread concern that most parents are faced with. Parents are worried that such a tendency can negatively affect the ability of children to pay attention to what their teachers are telling them during the lesson. It might also prevent them from playing quiet and appropriate games with other kids and do homework without stirring. Many parents also ...Continue reading

How Will School Of The Future Look Like


It is interesting to imagine how the school of the future will look like. We can not say that today school is absolutely bad. No. But in many years or maybe even centuries studying process at school will change completely. It is hard to imagine what our future will look like in general. So the only thing we can do is to dream about what future school will be when humanity discovers new unknown secrets of the science, secrets of the world. In future, I believe, pupils will spend less time in the ...Continue reading

Tips for Students: How to Beat Stress


It is evident that young people are the future of the society. Therefore, youth should have everything to feel happy and be in good mood. However, according to survey, 65% of college students are affected by stress. This is because most students do not only study in the college or university, but also have to work part time apart from doing multiple assignments in order to scrape for living and deal with educational expenses. They are also under stress because they do not know what awaits them ...Continue reading

Can school destroy your creativity?


Nobody can predict what our world will look like in 10 or even 5 years time. It can be explained by the speed with which technologies advance, economy grows or population of our planet increases. According to Sir Ken Robinson, our task is to be prepared and prepare our children to whatever that future can bring. That is why creativity has a great importance in education now. People come to this world with a variety of talents and have enormous abilities to innovations in childhood. However, Sir ...Continue reading

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