Conquering Fears – A Small Essay on Fear


Fear is our normal reaction to physical and emotional risk — on the off chance that we didn't feel it, we couldn't shield ourselves from dangers. Thus, we should understand that fear is not something bad itself, but an important part of our life, helping to stay safe and secure. Today it is a very popular subject in Psychology at many world universities and Science Institutions.

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What is the danger of fear? First, by reducing the quality of life, it restricts you. Some do not fly on airplanes, others do not travel at all. Still, ones are afraid of relationships, the others - sex (so no relationship and no sex in their lives at all). Well, the greatest fear, which Chekhov once described, is the fear of living. The man subjected to such fear is afraid of everything in a row and does not live, but exists, vegetates. At school, such people are afraid to raise their hands, then they are afraid to do what they want, they go wherever it was not terrible to do, and so on.

Secondly, serious fears result in psychosomatic problems: lead to permanent hyperventilation of the lungs, as a consequence - tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other cardiac diseases.

Thirdly, fear changes the personality of an individual. Because of the fear of living, a person begins to adapt and endure. He/she suffers, but all his/her thoughts are only aimed at "how much worse it would be." He/she is afraid of losing at least what he/she has: an alcoholic partner, work for a penny, and so on.

To stop being afraid and begin to live, it is necessary, first, to realize that your fear is not adequate to the situation. You are not threatened, no one takes your work or a loved one, but you are already afraid? – Agree that it’s not normal. If once you need to report such a psychological question in writing – you can always apply to the best paper editing service. Such complex subjects also often require copyediting and proofreading to make sure about the quality of the written material.

If the level of fear goes off the scale and prevents you from living, do not hesitate to ask for help, including medication. Today there are effective anti-anxiety drugs that help, for example, in panic attacks. Moreover, there are psychologists who work with fears and phobias.

In addition, most importantly, you do not have to endure anything. Forget about "Be patient, otherwise it will suddenly become worse." You don’t like your spouse, work, life - do not be afraid, you have to change them!

By the way, when people stop tolerating, it turns out that they were afraid in vain: life only becomes better. You will also be interested to find out how better to write an essay about top scary jobs.

A separate place is occupied by fear in art and literature, such as the genre of the Gothic novel (or Gothic story), the horror genre in literature, cinema and video games. Epic and mythological folklore, folk superstitions are one of the most commonly used sources for these works. Among other sources, one can name social phobias, which are common in this or that era.

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If You Want to Write a Fear Definition Essay, You Should Know Where It Originates

All the reasons, as usual, lead to childhood. The first and most important thing that a newborn can receive from parents is a sense of security. This happens if the parents are calm, balanced, psychologically stable, loving, not prone to fear, anxiety and other neuroses, if they are not aggressive, not hysterical, do not quarrel every three minutes, do not leave the child in the manger for a five-day or do not show him any indefinite reference to his grandmother. In this case, the child, as a rule, does not gain either fears or anxiety.

However, firstly, let's not blame our parents: even if they correspond to the description above. Secondly, even with good parents, an infant may enter the hospital with a postnatal trauma or infection. Parents can simply be forced to leave him/her alone for a while, and this can trigger a sense of fear and anxiety too. This section deserves even a separate post about the parents-children relationship.

Most often, of course, everything originates from neurotic families. A child can be traumatized by a psychotrauma, which causes fears and even phobias that are fixed and continue to manipulate him when he grows up.

Need to Know About Varieties for Facing Your Fears Essay

Check an interesting post about the most popular human fears:

1. Fear of losing control. This fear can be behind the jealous behavior, when a person controls his/her partner, checks his/her gadgets (who called, who wrote), tormented by the question "Where have you been?", checks how much the car goes from point A to point B, and if the control the amount does not converge, it is asked, where and with whom the partner spent three extra minutes.

2. Fear of death. Unfortunately, many people live an unhappy life, and it is also can be discussed separately. They all the time seem to be about to start some other life - the one in which they will be happy. It never begins, but now it's time to die, from old age or sickness. The person clings to life and is very afraid of death because he/she is hurt: he/she did not live, but life has already ended.

3. Fear of loss. This fear has several faces: fear of poverty and ruin (= loss of money), fear of loneliness (= loss of people, communication).

4. Fear of others (social phobia). Statistics, which is one of the best sources for a new content, say that people who are frightened by others are becoming more and more. There are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to work "at a remote site" so as not to interfere with anyone. However, you need to understand that this will limit your possibilities: if it were not for fear, your career and life might be different, but now you have to sit between four walls.

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Children Fears – Another Subject for a Narrative Essay on Fear

Childhood (age) fears arise at a very early age and are temporary. Childish fear is normal if it lasts not more than 3-4 weeks. The causes of general childhood fears and phobias are a child's rich imagination, negative experience (for example, a dog's bite can cause fear of dogs), as well as, the bad influence of adults and other children. Childish fear often causes phenomena that do not frighten adults: fairy-tale characters, darkness, etc. Especially many fears children have at 5 - 8 years. Check also how divorces influence children:

Children's fears are divided into natural and social. Many articles written, and more to be written about that. The earliest are natural fears that appear in the preschool years. At the age of 1 year, the child is already afraid of loud noise, unfamiliar people, as well as sudden changing the situation. Among the children of senior preschool and primary school age, the fear of death is common. In adolescence, social fears prevail - failure, condemnation, punishment, hopelessness, and impossibility of self-realization, and others. To eliminate children's fears apply art therapy, fairy-tales, and other methods.

Phobias and other details can be unfolded in definition essay on fear, which you can certainly find at our service. As it was said above, through the hundreds of years the subject was always very popular and highly demanded in the research of human motivation and behavior. Don’t be afraid to try as soon as possible, and save yourself a significant time for the things which really matter.

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