Personal Worldview Essay. The Science Of Life


It does not matter if you think about it or not, but every sane person has a certain worldview. Each has its own personal, but still based on generally accepted concepts. There are different types of worldview, but we live in a Christian country, so let's talk about the Christian worldview, its foundations and features. Also in this article I will tell you about my personal worldview, share what is most important for me and to which I usually do not pay attention. This college paper writing service decided that Christian worldview essay is a topic that is really worth talking about. If you need a help with your studying – contact us at once.

Everyone looks at the world in their own way. And later in life we ​​meet people who have a similar worldview. It's easy for us with such people and we are friends with them, get married, raise children. In such families there are much fewer conflicts and misunderstandings, because parents really look in one direction. I believe that it is in the family that we are accustomed to the first principles of the worldview. Later the world has its influence on everyone. We get life experience, draw information from books, films, communication. As a result, we become ourselves. Each of us is individual, not like the others, and each year does not look like his former self. Everything changes. Our company has many services and you can choose the necessary one.

Sometimes in our life there are situations when people cardinally change the outlook. Often this is affected by life circumstances, tragedies, and other people. Someone understands that he did wrong, misbelieved and was in a hurry. As they say, it's never too late to start over again or fix mistakes. We all have the right to a second chance. The main thing is to be able to take advantage of this chance and not to repeat our mistakes twice. Our online trustful essay editor is perfect.

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My worldview essay

I think we need to figure out what the worldview is from the very beginning. In the dictionary or encyclopedia you will find a rather difficult definition, which will not be clear to everyone. I will try to explain the world worldview in a simple and accessible language.

A world view is how we look at life, perceive different events and react to them. It is these views that make up our personality, character and ultimately, destiny. I think you will agree with me that often our destiny depends entirely on the character. After all, you will not find yourself in prison for a brutal murder, if by nature you are a quiet, peace-loving person who will not offend even noisy flies. Based on our worldview, we live, build a career, we find friends.

So what is my worldview? The question is rather complicated, because before you answer, you need to think carefully and look into yourself. But I will try to answer and do it as honestly and openly as possible.

As I have already said, the worldview begins to form through education, parents and close friends. I was born in a Christian family and since my childhood I visited church with my mother ( Unfortunately, my dad led had another type of life and he visited Sunday ministries really seldom. But now I have something to compare. I knew from childhood that all people were created by God. Naturally, thanks to my upbringing, I had an exclusively Christian worldview, of course with individual characteristics. Because most of us are Christians, but we cannot say that we all equally perceive the world and life.

For example, I believe that every person is born with a specific purpose. Our task is to anticipate this goal throughout life and make the best efforts to implement it. Often I call this goal a dream. God has a plan for every person, but not all people want to understand this plan. When I started going to school, I realized that I can easily study foreign languages, and later I realized that I can and I love working with children. Both discoveries pleased me and prompted me to think that maybe I will be useful somewhere outside my country, as many children around the world are suffering from poverty and do not have the opportunity to study. As for education, I chose a pedagogical university. To fulfill my dream, I needed a diploma.

Of course, we are not born ideal and formed. All you need to achieve throughout life. In history there are many examples where people have achieved much in life, despite the circumstances of their birth and upbringing. The main thing is to clearly see the goal before you and move forward. One of my goals was to become a professional modern teacher who not only taught children mathematics or literature, but she would teach them how to live properly. Now I already have a diploma and can start building my career. I never regretted becoming a teacher, because it could not be otherwise. This is my vocation, which means I will be happy doing that which brings me great pleasure. I live by the principle – go where your heart calls you. It may not be the most prestigious school in the country but it could be a tiny tent in Africa, where you have to write chalk on a blackboard like 20 years ago in our country.

Of course, like any girl, I dream of financial independence, but money was never for me in the first place (and I hope they will never be). The impact of money on a person is often very detrimental. But I always stress on moral beliefs. Moral values ​​came to us by parents. In the Christian world, they are all based on the Bible, as well as many times found in the world literature. People believe in the second Jesus coming. Here are a few of the rules:

  • love everyone as yourself;
  •  do to others as you want them to do to you;
  •  do not kill;
  •  do not steal;
  •  do not cheat and so on.

I think it's all familiar to you from childhood. I’m sure that every normal person builds his worldview on these principles. If you live according to the laws of the Bible, then there will be peace and quiet inside, which means a lot if you want to achieve something in life. Confidence that you are doing everything right is very important for everyone. I believe that every person's task is to improve and develop. Today the pace of life is very fast, and time is terribly limited, but I'm not going to degrade. As a woman and a future mother, I'm going to take care of my children and family. Relatives are the closest people we have and we should cherish every person who appreciates and loves us.

Christian worldview

I’m sure that the main aspects of this worldview are familiar to you. But still I would like to remind them briefly. Any outlook should answer three main questions: where did we come from and for what purpose we live on the Earth, why our world is not perfect, how we can correct the situation. Christianity clearly provides answers to these questions.

1) God created man for people to rule this world. People can freely communicate with God.

2) Man sinned and therefore brought upon the whole world a curse. After death, people go to hell or to paradise (

3) God so loves people that He decided to correct their sins with the help of the Son. Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for the sins of mankind. In the future, God will restore the lost justice in the world again.

Christian worldview is based on faith, love, understanding and forgiveness. There are many miracles and promises that the Lord Himself performs. Christians believe that Jesus forgives sins, and also that He will return to the Earth a second time and take away all His children (people who fulfilled His will and remained faithful to Him to the end). Jesus does not make anyone believe in Him or obey Him. He as a patient Father is waiting for His children, well, and people themselves choose which way and what life to choose. If students ask us: rewrite my essay for me, we never deny them.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that people really need very little: a favorite work, from which you constantly get pleasure, a beloved family, good health and the ability to rejoice at what we have. But you cannot become a passive being. Remember that in some degree, we all create the world in which we live. Let's be a little kinder to others, we will not only care about ourselves, we will not forget to thank God for everything and learn how to enjoy life. Academic Writing Service can help you to write the worldview essays like this.

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